Sunday, July 26, 2009

Relationship - Meant forever or to end to weave a new one ?

“A beauty of a relationship is only known after it is severed”

I wonder if that is too good to be true, and why is it that I was chosen amongst the cadet to be honored with the privilege of experiencing the myth?
I had a beauty of a relationship, in fact, the world seemed to be “at my feet” with the relationship blossoming, amidst the crowded idiosyncrasies which kept crawling within my head. I always had a perfect place to land, Never ever got cold feet, and in fact in Calvin’s terms, my toes never went numb.
We shared a lot of things in common, including skin color, not that it is a racial comment and that’s why the relationship was altogether an experience to be cherished, recollected and boasted to the core. It was like a perfect fitting sartorial between both of us..
Although our communication was always through a mediator, which would have given up by the end of the day with the brink of sweat stink, because god did not gift her with as much of ability to talk as like her beauty, ,Yet Language of communiqué was never an issue. She had the intelligence I believe and perfectly understood, what my mind desired, and took me to the destination, with no hassles and with no argument. The beauty of the relationship was “I called the shots and she lovingly obeyed”, leaving envious and pious eyes across my known beings, vying my relationship.
Day in Day out, the mediator kept changing, because of the tiresome work but the relationship between us was intact, in fact, it was becoming a gesture by itself, to lead me through the chaos and sufferings of the world.
The relationship, came at a price that was 5% percent of my monthly income, It was in fact perfect fitting for my budget, because this relationship did not have any entertainment budget, no gift budget, no post fight make up budget, no dad impressing budget, in fact no maintenance budget at all. Yes I know it is too good to be true, and I was luckiest of the lot. I can still imagine the vibrancies that vacillated across through me, when our bodies met every “morning”. Similar was the feeling of relief, when our bodies parted, at the “night time”, I can still replenish the white smile at that time.
But now, all that exists is a memory. A gloomy thought that she really existed in my life. There is a sudden vacuum and my feet did get cold, my toes did go numb. The Sartorial that pre existed remains a myth again. It lasted for less than couple of months. What went wrong? Well I guess nothing much. Just that I had left the marauding beauty all alone. And in the world, where it can prove to be a costly mistake to part even for a second with your loved one, I paid the price. She was gone. She left my feet to take me nowhere. I had no destination to cover. Someone drooled over the beauty and she became theirs in a jiffy. I was helpless; because I am yet to figure who the slayer was but am sure they did not deserve the piece of beauty. I gave up even before trying to win her back, because I knew that she had all that it required to reach far far away from the world with her new master. I was for once disappointed because I felt she needed her voice to at least warn me of the danger she went through.
My feet still has the smell of her skin, the fresh canvas aroma, my mediators although different every other day, seem to miss their friend, their aficionado, But All I can do is give them a new friend to call their own. It was a weeklong gap, as I was waiting for the month to end, and a new month and fresh currency to come in my way.

It did, and there I went to the Adidas shop, armed with a new hope and inspiration to fall in love again, to get into a new relationship. Instantaneously I found someone with an edifice charisma, similar aroma of canvas, and all the more fresher than my previous love. We connected within seconds, love at first sight they say. And with that in mind, and the happiness my mediators will have by knowing their new buddy, I paid up the cost for the pair of “shoes”.

I know, it is another relationship that wont last forever. But I can be rest assured, that as it lasts through with my feet, I can be of calm mind, knowing that the eyes of the world would be on my feet, and I would own wherever I land upon.

The beauty of it, I will call the shots
again 

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Glasses, Two different Vision

My CEO is a nice man. He wears glasses. He looks very much confident and intelligent because he wears glasses. He got into a new habit, which I should say he is good at. He blogs, although don’t know if that is part of his Job description, out of coercion or just that it adds to his wallet. But he does that well. He shares his experience, which most of the organization‘s workforce could only dream of experiencing. It makes us think, contemplate, wish and desire.
But this one was special. One quote from him and that made me take a protagonist view of everything around me including my own self and my attitude.
He quoted, “Europeans are still vacationing. Recession has not hit them so hard because they have good Social Security, Unemployment privileges and Severance costs are higher”.
Implied meaning, Indians are not socially secured; they still toil hard for ages and for petty wages. Still 65 % of population is poor and 70 % poor on paper. Still 70 percent of eligible workforce is unemployed or underemployed. I am assuming he would be pretty happy to see Indians vacationing at times of recession, or when Indian workforce is compared to that of the best in class. He would love to see when every individual has his own savings and tax plan, and not only 401 soap bar but a 401 k plan?

My boss is a good man too. He wears glasses. He looks very intelligent, confident of self. He is a thorough bureaucrat, and has immense knowledge of the world around. He has great experience and has seen the world a lot more than me.
Not long ago was an idea given to my boss at a very informal meeting, but more formal than a blogging session. The idea was to have social security to our own employees. The Idea to take care of our employees with their own money.
How? Here is how.
• As a monthly deduction of a petty sum of Rs 10 from each of the employee.
• Create a fund, an insurance fund to insure their life style in case of severance.
• When an employee is actually asked to leave, ensure that for the time he gets another chance to be laid off, he gets at least 90 percent of his last drawn payment. Used from the fund.
• Result? Loyalty, Productivity increase etc.
The reply was instantaneous,
Social Security is the job of Government, not the Company 

I do not wear glasses, I do not look intelligent, Probably, I am not, not enough to understand the vacillation of thoughts amongst both my CEO and My Boss, surely not enough to get an answer to the thoughts in my mind,
“Is Convenience the only comfort?