A conversation with an intelligent mind can always inspire and elate you to epitome of self satisfaction. I underwent something similar. A plethora of self satisfaction, or to say self dissatisfaction.
And who better than my mom to fill in the boots of intelligent mind?
It was a very gloomy evening, in fact similar to my most working day evenings. I came home tired, exhausted as if I just came from the war, and the worst part is not being aware if I won or lost. But it is always oblivion, albeit high on emotional feeling to get home. You feel safe and secure and you can be at your crazy best and where you can throw away your grotesque pretentious mask that was worn throughout.
Mom was in the kitchen, I see her do her chores with a beautiful smile. I experience her freshness, and am put to shame, as she has worked more than what I have, and she has seen much much more wars than I can imagine. But this smile is for the satisfaction of me being there around, it makes me feel happy. She knows there would always be a crazy conversation and I didn’t disappoint her.
“Mom I Need a car” was the abrupt beginning. Probably I expected her to attire a fake shocked expression or a surprise, or at worst possible scenario a satisfied expression. But nothing, her smile got bigger, making me contemplate a strategy to face her criminal notion.
I repeat “ Mom I need a …” "Write down 10 reasons why you need a car", comes the reply. Now Dumb stuck I was. It was 10 reasons that was going to decide my fate, my bank balance, my future ( min for 5 years, till loan is out), my esteem, my standard of living etc. I do not argue, and here I am writing the reasons, 10 precious reasons. 10 points
I need a car because;
1) I have a girlfriend
2) I get tired commuting by bus
3) My friends have it
4) Because my parents are getting older and it would be convenient for them.
5) I can travel to places on weekends, ( Temples, Big Bazzaar included )
6) I want to save the world, by car pooling and reducing the carbon footprint
7) Because Driving is an art, and I am an artist
8) I can save tax by taking the loan
9) I love cars and know a lot about them
10) It will help me plan my time better
10 reasons, 10 points and I thought we would be having a discussion about the bank to choose for loan and the parking place and the make and color of the car. But destiny had its own game. If you want to share my irony, the replies are as below
1) I have a girlfriend – “She never asked you to get a car, did she ? In fact she was impressed by you before even you had a car.”
2) I get tired commuting by bus – “ You sleep in bus, you read, you listen to music, you talk on the phone with “point one your gf” with ease, you do all the things you love.
3) My friends have it – “ Depends whom you are comparing with". Now I thought I could have done better here
4) Because my parents are getting older and it would be convenient for them – "If we are old enough, why would we go out anyway at odd times? And even if we “old” parents go out it would be for a “walk” .
5) I can travel to places for weekends – "You do not club late night, neither can you afford a movie in this city to go for a movie, and neither does point one apply here on weekends, and you lazy bum need to be at home with your violin on weekends".
6) I want to save the world, by car pooling and reducing the carbon footprint – This is where I screwed it up. “ Probably your friends in point 3 share the same feeling, car pool with them”
7) Because Driving is an art, and I am an artist – “Why not glass painting?”
8) I can save tax by taking Car loan – “ You can save more money by not taking loan at all”
9) I love cars a lot and know a lot about them – “ I still am aware about how you explained the fission bomb experiment in Discovery channel”
10) It will help me plan my time better – “ Not at all, it will worsen, thanks to the attitude I have car to back it up”
I gave up.
I just thank my stars this was just a one off exercise, and is not going to continue if I have to get a book, a shirt or simple other important things.
One thing I learnt is,
If you need something, first have a 10 reasons exercise done appropriately.
By the way, Can you help me frame 10 reasons to get myself a bike?
And who better than my mom to fill in the boots of intelligent mind?
It was a very gloomy evening, in fact similar to my most working day evenings. I came home tired, exhausted as if I just came from the war, and the worst part is not being aware if I won or lost. But it is always oblivion, albeit high on emotional feeling to get home. You feel safe and secure and you can be at your crazy best and where you can throw away your grotesque pretentious mask that was worn throughout.
Mom was in the kitchen, I see her do her chores with a beautiful smile. I experience her freshness, and am put to shame, as she has worked more than what I have, and she has seen much much more wars than I can imagine. But this smile is for the satisfaction of me being there around, it makes me feel happy. She knows there would always be a crazy conversation and I didn’t disappoint her.
“Mom I Need a car” was the abrupt beginning. Probably I expected her to attire a fake shocked expression or a surprise, or at worst possible scenario a satisfied expression. But nothing, her smile got bigger, making me contemplate a strategy to face her criminal notion.
I repeat “ Mom I need a …” "Write down 10 reasons why you need a car", comes the reply. Now Dumb stuck I was. It was 10 reasons that was going to decide my fate, my bank balance, my future ( min for 5 years, till loan is out), my esteem, my standard of living etc. I do not argue, and here I am writing the reasons, 10 precious reasons. 10 points
I need a car because;
1) I have a girlfriend
2) I get tired commuting by bus
3) My friends have it
4) Because my parents are getting older and it would be convenient for them.
5) I can travel to places on weekends, ( Temples, Big Bazzaar included )
6) I want to save the world, by car pooling and reducing the carbon footprint
7) Because Driving is an art, and I am an artist
8) I can save tax by taking the loan
9) I love cars and know a lot about them
10) It will help me plan my time better
10 reasons, 10 points and I thought we would be having a discussion about the bank to choose for loan and the parking place and the make and color of the car. But destiny had its own game. If you want to share my irony, the replies are as below
1) I have a girlfriend – “She never asked you to get a car, did she ? In fact she was impressed by you before even you had a car.”
2) I get tired commuting by bus – “ You sleep in bus, you read, you listen to music, you talk on the phone with “point one your gf” with ease, you do all the things you love.
3) My friends have it – “ Depends whom you are comparing with". Now I thought I could have done better here
4) Because my parents are getting older and it would be convenient for them – "If we are old enough, why would we go out anyway at odd times? And even if we “old” parents go out it would be for a “walk” .
5) I can travel to places for weekends – "You do not club late night, neither can you afford a movie in this city to go for a movie, and neither does point one apply here on weekends, and you lazy bum need to be at home with your violin on weekends".
6) I want to save the world, by car pooling and reducing the carbon footprint – This is where I screwed it up. “ Probably your friends in point 3 share the same feeling, car pool with them”
7) Because Driving is an art, and I am an artist – “Why not glass painting?”
8) I can save tax by taking Car loan – “ You can save more money by not taking loan at all”
9) I love cars a lot and know a lot about them – “ I still am aware about how you explained the fission bomb experiment in Discovery channel”
10) It will help me plan my time better – “ Not at all, it will worsen, thanks to the attitude I have car to back it up”
I gave up.
I just thank my stars this was just a one off exercise, and is not going to continue if I have to get a book, a shirt or simple other important things.
One thing I learnt is,
If you need something, first have a 10 reasons exercise done appropriately.
By the way, Can you help me frame 10 reasons to get myself a bike?
you wrote down 10 reasons why you don't need a car ..Mom asked you to write down 10 reasons why want a car ..
It could have been just one ..you see u were to apply thought.
Thinking is a habit not a hobby.
May be not number of reasons which counts or whether one should do this exercise or not.
I think you should just buy the bike , sometimes in life it is ok to let go the reasoning and logic ....
By the time you figure out 10 reasons you may not need the bike /car ....
for some strange reason... i love your mom!!!
WOW.......... first thing i'm impressed about your mom.... (Thank god.... when my mom asked me why you want to buy an activa- i said i want to gift it to dad...may be that saved me)
But onething Anuj... u being with your mom for yrs together u forgot the way she thinks... hahahah :)
Hope you can give valid reasons to buy a bike.... but do think abt the accident that happened recently before you go to mom....
But it was a wonderful blog :)
Excellent express of emotions..I loved your comic timings...I am in love with this blog..too good...
n this is the reason she is fresh n happy.."wants" are less for her :)
pls write on how u explained the fission bomb experiment in Discovery channel
fission bomb experiment...?.....
write ur nxt blog abt tht....;)
remember u cn convince and pataofy sum of the ppl all of the time and al of the ppl sum of the time....but nt ur MOM.....experience says so...
10 reasons you should get a bike:
1. you are phobic of them and it would do u good to get over it by riding a bike
2. it would save ur gf who has bike from travelling in autos and buses when she's with u because u are phobic of bike rides
3. ur a loser and it would do ur image good to get a bike
4. it costs less than a car
5. when we all go out together u and your girlfriend can both carry one person pillion each, which means less of us have to walk or take an auto...btw, since i came up with this i have first claim to tht pillion seat
6. hopefully u will buy an ugly bike and i can make fun of it for the rest of ur life calling it a "tiffin box" bike
7. ur parents will never want to hitch a ride on it so u'll have it all to urself all the time
8. i like bikes...especially cruisers...so i would suggest an enticer.
9. when u are broke you can sell it to support urself
10. there are 9 solid good reasons to buy the bike!
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